1/6th scale DFS Habicht E
Note: These files do not include the retractable EDF system. Its pure glider / front mounted propeller only. Get the retractable EDF upgrade here.
Note: These files do not include the retractable EDF system. Its pure glider / front mounted propeller only. Get the retractable EDF upgrade here.
Note: These files do not include the retractable EDF system. Its pure glider / front mounted propeller only. Get the retractable EDF upgrade here.
The real DFS Habicht from 1936 was the first fully aerobatic glider. When designing this model, versatility was the main goal. It resembles the original as close as possible, not only in looks: I talked to pilots of the original about the arodynamic details and flight charactistics, the result is a plane that feels very close to its bigger brother.
Using lightweight PLA, you can achieve a flying weight of under 1 kilo, resulting in a wing loading of about 20g/dm². The low weight, high maneuverability and easy flight characteristis make this plane an excellent thermal soarer, but its also great for the slope, even at low wind.
You can do aerotow with the print-in-place tow release or install a folding propeller to get to altitude. The files include a take off gear, a pair of wheels that prevent scratching the belly when taking off. They even allow ground takeoff with the propeller.
The wings are detachable for easy transportation, all servos are mounted in a way that they can be replaced without damaging the airframe.
But the absolute highlight are the aerobatics: super tight loops, spins and snaps, and everything is very controllable. At the same time, it is perfectly suited for those who want to enjoy their vintage glider flight without aerobatics. The plane has no bad tendencys, it is very easy to get into a spin, but its just as easy to exit it (center the sticks). All control surfaces still work after a stall, making it easier to save the plane from a bad situation. Its ability to pick up speed and turn it back into altitude is really good.
Min. Printer size: 220mm/220mm/210mm (Ender 3), Prusa I3 Mk3 also works (250mm/200mm/210mm)
Download the build instructions here
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As a test part, you can download Wing 8 here.
If you have questions, just write me an e-mail: emdemodeldevelopment@gmail.com